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Future Generation Boards II: We Have the Almanac

by Prof Nick Barter and Dr Akihiro Omura In Back to the Future part two, Marty McFly travels to the future, not the past, and in that future, he finds a copy of Grays Sports Almanac, a reference book of all major sporting results. It’s better than winning the lottery. In Back to the Future…

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Future Generation Boards: No Time Travel Needed

by Prof Nick Barter and Dr Akihiro Omura In ‘Back to the Future’, Marty McFly, in an effort to ensure his future existence, takes to the stage and wows the 1950s crowd with his rendition of Chuck Berry’s soon to be hit, Johnny B. Goode. The kids from 1955 lap it up. But then Marty…

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A job for future generations

Wales' latest Commissioner for Future Generations has just started in the job. Tasked by the government to ensure Wales leaves a better country for its children, the commissioner advises on sustainable development and monitors the longer term impacts of government decisions.

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